Together we can change lives

Be empowered • Embrace potential  • Create impactful outcomes
We help women unleash their full potential empowering them to fulfill on their purpose.

Together we heal the cycle of inequality, trauma and violence for women.
Working together, we can change lives.

We show women how to make what they once thought impossible, possible.

With our 10/20/30 Sustainable Impact Model we help women around the world discover their potential and provide them the resources to achieve it. By aligning our passions and purpose with our work, together we can achieve anything.

Annual Impact Retreats

Every year we bring a select group of women from our community to spend one week together changing lives

Socially Conscious Leaders

We focus on how to create sustainable impact while growing ourselves as leaders and creating meaningful relationships

Growth-Minded Community

Connect with each other through an open mindset, giving attitude and vision of impact

By joining Integrous Women or attending an event you are also directly investing in women around the world who need your help.