Question #1: Tell us about yourself and your mission

I am Rianne, born and raised in The Netherlands but currently a digital nomad in Asia. I have a long background in sales & marketing in the corporate world but changed it all to serve social entrepreneurs 1.5 years ago. I want to see a world where all businesses uplift humanity and our planet next to making a profit. I contribute to that mission by supporting and guiding startup social entrepreneurs on their mission to build a business that does well and good.

Question #2: What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability to me means that it’s longterm. To me this means that as entrepreneurs we first and foremost have to create a business that does well financially to be able to make long term impact. We just cannot rely on governments giving us grants or donors just giving money to solve the worlds biggest problems. We have seen over decades that that just isn’t working. We have to come up with new ways and I believe the for profit social enterprise model is that new way.

Question #3: What are some examples of sustainable organizations?

Obviously to me TOMS shoes is the poster child of a successful for profit sustainable social enterprise. But so is LSTN headphones, The Giving Keys and Ethnotek Bags. All amazing companies with GREAT products as well as a great social mission.

Question #4: What are some things our members can do to ensure they are sustainable in their businesses?

The most important things members can do to ensure they are sustainable is to focus on creating great VALUE for money for their customers. We cannot rely on our customers buying our products just because of the social cause. We first and foremost have to make sure that we deliver value for their money. This is no different from any ordinary commercial company. As an integrous women we must not be shy of making money, it’s essential to making longterm sustainable impact.

Question #5: How can we measure our impact?

Measuring impact is of the greatest importance. There are so many ways to effectively do so. Ideally you’ll be able to measure it in the lives you have positively impacted. But it really depends on your social or environmental mission. I would advise you to do research into likeminded businesses and how they measure their impact. If you want to ultimately get the B-corp certification, which is the worldwide recognized sustainable certification measuring impact is a MUST.